After the establishment of the Hakka Affairs Council on June 14, 2011, a competition was held to design a flag and logo that could boost public awareness of the council, foster a sense of group consciousness, and showcase the Hakka spirit.
With two online announcements and extensive promotion, top design talent
from throughout Taiwan was invited to take part in this grand event. A total of
468 pieces were submitted, with one winner and seven honorable mentions chosen
by the judging panel.
First prize was taken by Ms. Chang Kuei-yuen, whose design boasted an
elegant, streamlined, and modern aesthetic that also captures the character and
spirit of the Hakka people. Her design concept was “consolidating consensus and
promoting Hakka culture, with the design itself based on the first Chinese
character in Hakka, 客, with the top two elements (宀
As for the colors, the upper part is bordered with dark blue with a
lighter blue inside, drawing inspiration from the “blue shirt” spirit of the
Hakka and representing the hard-working, courageous, and upright character of
the Hakka people. The lower part, meanwhile, is red, communicating the shared
ideals of a new generation of Hakka as they move onward with a new spirit and