Organization structure

Organization structure

The minister manages the overall affairs of the council and directs and supervises subordinate personnel; the deputy minister assists the minister in handling the council’s affairs.

The powers and responsibilities of the chief secretary are as follows:

1. Examining and approving official papers and making decisions on behalf of the council.

2. Dealing with confidential and important documents.

3. Coordinating units and delegating responsibility and authority.

4. Organizing important meetings.

5. Dealing with other assignments.

The powers and responsibilities of counselors are as follows:

1. Making suggestions on important work plans and projects for the council.

2. Improving and advising on council systems.

3. Attending important meetings.

4. Other matters as instructed.

The council includes the following offices:

1. Department of Planning, which is divided into three sections.

2. Department of Language Development, which is divided into three sections.

3. Department of Industrial Economy, which is divided into three sections.

4. Department of Art, Culture and Communication, which is divided into three sections.

5. Secretariat, which is divided into two sections.

6. Personnel Office

7. Civil Service Ethics Office

8. Accounting and Statistics Office

The Department of Planning is divided into three sections, which shall be responsible for the following tasks:

1. Comprehensive planning and coordination of Hakka affairs policies.

2. Collection, research, and analysis of basic Hakka information.

3. Planning, promotion, grants, and supervision of the development of the Hakka knowledge system.

4. Review, coordination, supervision, control, and assessment of council policy strategy, medium-term and annual national construction plans, preliminary work, and medium- and long-term case projects.

5. Tracking, control, and assessment of the council’s business reports, policy reports, important measures, meetings, organizational adjustments, and other important matters assigned to them.

6. Planning, promotion, and security management of council IT services.

7. Planning, promotion, and handling of local Hakka affairs, National Hakka Conference, and National Hakka Affairs Leadership Conference.

8. Guidance, liaison, and subsidies for the development of Hakka associations.

9. Planning, coordination, and promotion of overseas Hakka affairs and art & cultural exchanges.

10. Other matters related to Hakka development.

The Department of Language Development is divided into three sections, which shall be responsible for the following tasks:

1. Research and development of Hakka language policies and laws.

2. Planning, coordination, promotion, and incentives of Hakka education.

3. Cultivating Hakka language talents.

4. Planning and promotion of Hakka-language proficiency certification.

5. The planning, promotion, and incentives of Hakka as a common language and a language used in government agencies.

6. Planning, promotion, and incentives of Hakka language used in Taiwanese society.

7. Planning, promotion, and incentives of constructing the Hakka language foundation and popularizing the use of the language, and its development of digital applications.

8. Other matters related to Hakka linguistic development.


The Department of Industrial Economy is divided into three sections, which shall be responsible for the following tasks:

1. Planning, coordination, and promotion of Hakka cultural industry development.

2. Collection, research, and analysis of Hakka cultural industry development.

3. Planning and promotion of Hakka cultural industry marketing.

4. Guidance on the operation and management of Hakka cultural industries.

5. Cultivating Hakka cultural industry talents.

6. Subsidies and incentives for Hakka cultural industries.

7. Planning, coordination, and guidance for Hakka recreational industries.

8. Building the Hakka living environment and preserving, developing, and reusing traditional spaces.

9. Revitalizing, operating, and providing guidance for Hakka premises.

10. Other matters related to Hakka cultural industries and economics.

The Department of Art, Culture and Communication is divided into three sections, which shall be responsible for the following tasks:

1. Planning, coordinating, promoting, and providing guidance for Hakka art and culture development.

2. Planning, coordinating, promoting, and providing guidance for the development of the Hakka communication and cultural content industries.

3. The planning, promotion, and integrated marketing relating to Hakka language and cultural prestige.

4. Collating and processing of media public relations, press releases, parliamentary liaison, and public opinion.

5. Supervising and providing guidance for the Hakka Public Communication Foundation.

6. Other matters related to Hakka art, culture, and communications.

The Secretariat is divided into two sections, which shall be responsible for the following tasks:

1. Managing official seals, documents, and archives.

2. Managing payments, finances, maintenance, procurement, and other affairs.

3. Managing workers (including technicians and drivers).

4. Other matters that do not fall under the scope of another office.

The Personnel Office shall be responsible for council personnel matters.

The Civil Service Ethics Office shall be responsible for council ethics matters.

The Accounting and Statistics Office shall be responsible for annual accounting, bookkeeping, and statistics.

For the purpose of handling legal affairs, the council shall establish a permanent legal affairs committee with an executive secretary appointed by an appropriate person; its internal organization and supervisory powers and responsibilities shall be prescribed elsewhere.