Exhibition on Zhao’an Hakka culture takes place in Taiwan Hakka Museum

Organized by Taiwan Hakka Culture Development Center (THCDC), a special exhibition on the Zhao’an Hakka settlement of Yunlin County kicked off on July 15 at Taiwan Hakka Museum in Miaoli County.
Special exhibition on the Zhao’an Hakka settlement of Yunlin County
(Photo courtesy of Taiwan Hakka Museum’s Facebook page)

There are five main dialects in Taiwanese Hakka: Sixian (四縣), Hailu (海陸), Dapu (大埔), Raoping (饒平), and Zhao'an (詔安). According to surveys conducted by the Hakka Affairs Council (HAC), about 4.537 million Hakka people reside in Taiwan, and just 1.7% of them speak Zhao’an-accented Hakka, the smallest portion of the total Hakka population and a lesser known group to the general public.

To help people gain a better understanding of Zhao’an Hakka culture, THCDC held the exhibition based on research results of Hakka village history as well as Zhao’an Hakka studies, hoping to captivate the exhibition-goers with incredible stories.

Noting that Yunlin’s townships of Lunbei (崙背), Erlun (二崙), and Xiluo (西螺) are the Zhao’an Hakka region in Taiwan, HAC Minister Yiong Con-ziin said this exhibition manifests cultural diversity developed by Hakka people in different areas on the island. He hopes that, through the exhibition, people will pay more attention to the issues about ethnic language preservation and cultural transmission. In addition, HAC will continue to hold exhibitions on the culture of other Hakka dialects such as Dapu and Raoping for people to be more familiar with the diverse Hakka community.

The exhibition will display three treasures of Yunlin’s Zhao’an Hakka settlement: martial arts, Hakka Lion craft, and glove puppetry. Visitors can get a glimpse of local martial arts from the prop weapon selection and manuals in a hugely popular television series called “Seven Swords of Xiluo (西螺七劍)” in the 1970s and be fascinated by miniature Hakka lions in pencil carving, as well as learn some simple Zhao’an Hakka through glove puppet animation.
Children performing glove puppets
(Photo courtesy of Taiwan Hakka Museum’s Facebook page)

The special exhibition takes place in Miaoli’s Taiwan Hakka Museum from July 15, 2022 through Feb. 28, 2023. For more information, please visit at https://thcdc.hakka.gov.tw/1241/1258/7372/79649/post.
Poster of the exhibition on Zhao’an Hakka culture